I have seen frequently in the exchanges between theists
and atheists the claim that atheists/atheism has killed more people and is
responsible for more of the world’s tragic human events. This would be the one fallacy that the
theists cling to for comfort when the facts point to the contrary. Theism – Abrahamic sects [Christianity,
Islam, and Judaism] are in fact the most prolific death cults on the planet.
Let’s start with the Christian claim the Pol Pot, Chairman
Mao, Hitler (actually Catholic), and Stalin being ‘atheists’, killed millions of people. There is no question that these persons did
horrible things and worked to eliminate persons who did not conform to their
perceived ideology.
I cannot find in any
document that these pariahs used atheism to further their causes. No evidence exists indicating that these populations were put to death due to their failure to participate in atheism. Unless – you put on your biblical glasses
(thanks Ken Ham) – then you can lie for Jesus all you desire to support your
position and attract new followers.
When asked for evidence to support validity of this claim; the debate tends to
devolve into accusatory statements and spraying hostility to deflect from the
fact there is no direct evidence to support the position. I have yet to have a Christian produce ANY
clear evidence that the persons mentioned are acting on behalf of ‘Atheism’ to
rid the world of non-participants in atheism.
North Korea is not a good example… the practitioners believe that their
leader(s) are gods and it appears that atheism is not a good way of describing the necrocracy in that country.
Challenge: Theist please provide a clearly defined case
of an atheist, leader or singular atheist who has advocated and acted on the presumption
that atheism prescribe(s) death to those who do not follow the established dogma
and ideology.
Actions of theists: - Especially ~ those of the Abrahamic
sects, toward those who are not of the same faith paint a far different
story. The Christian, Islamic and Jewish
operator’s manual (Bible, Koran [Quran] and Torah) have clearly defined actions
to be performed by the believer on the non-believer… Death. They also describe very horrible ways of
dispatching non-believers. This
accomplishes three things:
Affords the opportunity for the punisher
(killer) to experience a euphoric event of taking the life of another person,
sense of complete control.
Inflicts horrible pain and suffering on the
person being killed. Usually in a humiliating
way. (cutting off your head, burned at a
stake, throwing stones, shot in the head) whilst saying, “Allah -Ackbar”, “May
Jesus have mercy on your soul.”
Clearly advertises: Join us, and follow our
dogma, or we will kill you – in a horrific fashion – in front of your friends
and family.
Theism is a Cult of Death, and the practitioners are
fully aware of this fact; but work hard to deceive themselves, conscript others
given; the promise of eternal life in paradise, 72 virgins, and the Promised
Land of milk and honey. This being an “Army
of god.” Christians, Islamic fundamentalists... embrace genocide - In Africa, Christians/Muslims are working diligently to kill off the homosexual population:
History has presented, a well-documented, long and growing
list of atrocities associated directly with the belief in a god(s). Projecting these events onto atheism to escape
the guilt and culpability is pure spinelessness and using your indoctrination
to protect your fragile psyche.
Abrahamic Religions are barbaric and abhorrent cults with
the emphasis on inclusion of the feeble minded and imposition of a horrific
death of those who should be excluded for any dogmatic reason. Mormons are included in this ever increasing cesspool of human detritus.
Theists: Please be
aware that your words, dogma, and actions do not match: this is a sign that
either you are profoundly mentally ill or so intensely brainwashed that it
would be in your best interest to seek help.
I am willing to fight you to the death to prevent your dogma from
retarding humanity back to the dark ages. Self introspection is highly recommended..... You have pledged your allegiance to one (or more) of these sects. Think about it.