Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Responding to a Racist Letter on Facebook - Trump Fan

Looking down the Twitter lines that I subscribe to I rarely find anyone who an adamant Trumpster.  Now on Facebook they are all over the place.  You cannot swing a dead rational human without hitting on in the oversize frothing ego.  Let us take for example a letter I discovered on Facebook.  This was all one paragraph and had little to no punctuation.  That had to be added in to give this some direction and operational function.

Link to the letter ->  Open Racist Letter

One thing that that comes screaming to forefront when reading the diatribe is that there is a tremendous amount of disinformation and flat out conspiracy theory materials interlaced with strongly emotional ‘personal testimony’.  Some of this testimony tends to ‘come from a friend’ which lends to this being second hand or non-dependable testimony.   One item that must be made very clear is that this person barely has a high school level education and lives in Biss Idaho.

First component is to advertise the ACA (Obmacare) has treated this family unfairly.  It his is equitable across the board.  Not one person who is dealing with insurance can escape outrageous increases in deductibles.  Something needs to be clearly outlined is the ACA is NOT a liberal plan.  It was a plan originally rolled out the Heritage Foundation idea.  So this cannot be tossed back at Obama and the Democrats.  Please look in the mirror.  This was created by the GOP, Republicans and their minons.

Next this author addresses multiple times ‘Illegal Aliens’ as being there to take from her what is rightfully hers.  I am uncertain how this can even be possible if the person is illegal how can they get covered medical care?  I believe that she means undocumented migrants/refugees.  Illegal or undocumented mean they cannot gain access to the benefits of a system to which they cannot connect. It takes some pretty profound leaps of conspiracy theory events to grant them access.    All of the persons that she is referring to are migrant workers who have Mexican heritage and this is the only frame of reference.    The first response to this statement is; prove it.  Please produce some evidence to support your claim otherwise you are basically talking out your ass.

She starts to spiral out of control in her conspiracy modes as this letter progresses with every Right-Wing radio talking point and conspiracy theory about Black Lives Matter and that the victims are deserving of being “killed at the hands of an honest cop” then tossing Obama as being the person responsible with zero evidence that he can in any way be culpable.

It becomes very evident that she is a heavy drinker of the Kool-Aid and is Too Far Gone down the rabbit hole to realize that most of what she is describing is full on conspiracy theorist supporter and may be one of those people who believes that chemtrails are being used to limit population growth.

As soon as she starts talking about the second amendment and the defense of Trump at the expense of any and all the other rights that we currently have she has gone full Ammosexual and when adding in the Benghazi event and supporter she is completely lost to humanity and is a full-fledged racist xenophobe.   She openly admits that Obama is Muslim and a member of the Black Panthers.  She has valid complaints.  However she is working very hard to shove the responsibility onto someone who is NOT responsible.  She does an exemplary job slinging blame and hostile intentions at Obama.  I have read the letter 4 times and have yet to find any policy substance that Trump will provide to support her and her family.

All of this can be refuted quickly and easily if she does ONE thing.  Prove it.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Are We Too Far Gone?

I have been in several “dialog events” with Trump supporters in the past few days on social media.  It has been quite a challenge to get some degree of validation that they are actually listening.  It is apparent that on a majority of the time they are warming up their next ‘right wing talking point’ or ‘Fox News commentary line’ with the predetermination that it will stop the world turning, leaving the participants under a pall of shock and awe.  No.  It is usually a cliché that makes one laugh and wonder if their diet of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Anne Coulter has not permanently damaged reconfigured their morality.  Sadly if one listens to any of these conservative commentators for any period of time you run the risk of becoming morally bankrupt.

Many of these Trump advocates seem to be so profoundly convinced that he is the ONLY person who can rescue the country.  They whip themselves into a profound rage state that borders on a ‘Trump Jihad’.  The only thing missing is Allah Akbar.   What is astounding is that these people emulate their leader to the extreme.  There is only one emotion that seems to pour from them is FEAR.

Initially one may think that the anger and hate would be broadcast.  This is not the case.  Anger is a secondary emotion based on a primary emotion driving the anger/hate.

When talking with anyone who openly supports Trump; one must keep in mind that you are trying to communicate with a very special group and must adjust your language accordingly.   The presenter must keep focus that your audience is a group of hysterical fourth graders who unquestionably cannot accept the fact that the recess bully was wrong, and they are not going home early today.

The recess bully also knows he is wrong, but if he can keep everyone guessing what his next action is he feels he has the advantage.  Given there is a moment where he is cornered by facts or reality he creates a make believe desperado on the playground and convinces his followers only he can protect them.

The followers are; Too Far Gone to realize they are only pawns in a juvenile chess game, to be sacrificed at the master’s whim.

This has become so profoundly prevalent a feeling in this area that many are comfortable openly pushing a hate fueled agenda.  Much of this bubbles to the top of the social dynamic as open racism, xenophobia, and expected persecution of those parties that they feel are a threat to them.  As evidenced by several events specific to Idaho.  The accusations of sexual perpetration on a 5 year old girl in Twin Falls have made national news.  The sexual assault of an African American special needs individual in Dietrich.  I am personally aware of some churches openly fanning the flames of this racism directed at the refugees from the Middle East.

These perverse humans openly display Trump bumper stickers, and fly the confederate flag on their trucks.  They are also convinced that the current president Barrack Obama is a Muslim and a traitor.

I have grown up in Idaho and experienced much of this by observation as the disdain directed at the Hispanic population by my father referring to them as ‘Spics’ , ‘wetbacks’ and Arabs as ‘sand niggers’.  I have known the shame of family members who are active bigots.  I have done all in my power to ensure that my children are fully informed and are not afraid.

I know that Idaho is better than this.  We are better than Trump.  In some way we have to convince his followers that he is not the second coming of Jesus and he is not the only person who can make them feel safe.  The fear is misplaced and unnecessary.  I do not hate Trump.  I hate what he has inspired in people   We must demonstrate by example that we are NOT too far gone.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Homie Terror

Far too many times we are inundated with the media talking about how we, as a country, are resolute in our approach with terrorism “We don’t negotiate with terrorists.”  The facts are more along the lines that the United States of America is one of the worst terrorist states in existence.  We started a “War on Terror” thanks to a profoundly inept evangelical dimwit of a president and it continues with random drone strikes in many different locales around the planet.  These strikes are considered ‘surgical’ to take out the bad guys.  The facts are that there are many innocent persons who are also dispatched in the effort to remove just one ‘terrorist’.  This is fueling the terrorist furor.    The family members of the “collateral losses” are pretty eager to join in the anti-western jihad.  That is what started and feeds the Islamic State, the Taliban, Boko Haram, and many other Islam based groups.  There are plenty of Christian terrorists go around as well.  They have been killing more than foreign terrorists.

It is a given the fundamentalist Islam is at the core of the terrorist edict for the Middle East, parts of Africa and Indonesia.  If you look closely at the United States the homegrown terrorists (media fails to adequately label them) is the greatest taker of lives here.  These “Homies” are primarily mentally unstable, Christian fundamentalist, white males with a strong authoritarian perspective.  I cannot help but have confidence that many of the politically conservative factions of this country are holding identical paradigms.  These are persons who are heavily invested in their “Second Amendment Rights”.  They are very aware that terrorism works and apply it regularly.  This is easily identified as ‘Open Carry’.  I challenge anyone who has any common sense to identify any degree of comfort by observing a person walking down the street with an assault rifle.  That is the most blatant form of Homie Terror. 

If you also look at what people have in their front yards, on their vehicles, and they openly disclose on Facebook and other social media they want to make it clear that they have the tools to inflict death or suffering and they are looking for an excuse to employ them to get their political wants met.  These terrorists are given many an avenue to broadcast there message of terror under the freedom of speech provision.  Unfortunately with the current political atmosphere and a known racist, xenophobe, narcissist running as the Republican nominee for president many of these terrorists feels additional freedoms to push the into the racially motivated extremes, indicating what they plan to do when he becomes president.  This is very unnerving and is painfully familiar to the development of Nazi Germany.  There are currently neo-Nazi factions who fully support this presidential nominee and there were hints of this throughout the GOP Convention.

The Christian Taliban are alive and well in the U.S. They hate to be called that but it is true that this faction of Christianity strongly supports a version of Christian Sharia.  For these Homie Terrorists denial and forgiveness are all the Christian way of life.

These terrorists are opportunists and thrive on the fear, mistrust, and turmoil that are presented by mentally deranged and socially malicious presidential nominee.  If you think that terrorism only happens in other countries and we Americans are safe, you should think again.   They are thick in many states. 

Terrorism is running rampant here and we have become comfortable with it because it works.  We as a country have become so enamored with the entertainment that is provided by terrorists that is has become a reality TV show on the nightly news.  Whenever a police officer or other authority figure abuses their position leading to injury or death it needs to be called what it is: Domestic Terrorism by Homie Terrorists. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Private Idaho

     Growing up in Idaho has been quite an unpleasant experience.  There is an old B52 song called “Private Idaho” meaning this place is a private hell.  Idaho can be a living hell for anyone who does not ascribe to the hardcore conservative Christian lunatic perspective.  To give a better interpretation of how extreme the close-minded Idahoans are; I was banned from a Facebook page for publicly displaying pictures of local trucks with confederate flags and labeling them as racist, bigots.  It appears that when you call out the bigotry and hate you are quickly silenced.  If they cannot silence you, they work the back avenues to intimidate your position at work, society, and with peers using threats you could lose your job, or friends will flee to avoid the intimidation.

 These are the same “Idahoans” who are strong Christian/Mormon/Baptist/Catholic….etc. who will hide behind the forgiveness factor of their religion and continue doing the same hateful things.  I want to make it clear not all ‘Idahoans’ are religious nut-bag, bigoted, hate-filled, cowards.  Unfortunately those people are the ones who feel that they are righteous in their championing the cause of hate whilst hiding behind their religious doctrine.  Something interesting noted growing up in Twin Falls, there are more bars than schools, more churches than bars and more hypocrites than humanists.
Creep Factor: 9000

I ended up working for the schools or working in the schools as a professional it becomes painfully obvious that the indoctrination begins at an early stage and is pushed onto the student for the duration of their educational experience.  The high school graduation rate of Idaho is 77.3%  we are ranked 41st of 50.  In a 2015 report only 17% of student from southern Idaho are ready for college.  Idaho has established a goal of 60% but has not even made any discernible effort to change the outcome for any of the students.  It becomes very evident early on that Idaho desires to keep its students ill-informed and under-educated.  Thus keeping two lines moving in two directions:  One is from pre-school to prison and from graduation to garbage collector.  Idaho is ranked 13th for prison population per person spending in state.  Idaho has spent more money building prisons than has been applied to secondary education.  Freakishly real: Pre-school to prison is alive and well here.

If the system can keep them dumb and following in their parent’s footsteps then they are likely to stay ignorant of humanity and close-minded to the rest of civilization.  It was a huge culture shock to me when I went away to obtain my bachelor’s degree.  I was mixing with a group of people that I had much more commonality with than my hometown peers.  I met my first atheist (other than myself) and became close friends with people who were not of the same race as me.  This was devastating to my peers in my hometown.  They clearly stated that I should not be mixing my time with “the sub humans”.  This raw bigotry was right in my face.  They used biblical statements to support their position that races should not mix and that I would have more support if I stood with my own ‘type’.  The white bigots are strong in Idaho.  They feel safe here:

I have also noted that when a group of Mormon ‘young adults’ prepare for their missions that they go to a preparation camp prior to their departure.  Many of the Catholics will have their graduates blessed in a ceremony before departing for college.  All designed to reinforce the social safety net that these individuals can hide behind if they find themselves away from home, beliefs, and morals are being challenged.  It does not take much to become elevated in stature in a church or social club, let alone have any education that may benefit the circumstances.  The lesser educated you are the more preferred you are in religious events.  Even the churches admit that reason is faiths greatest enemy:

This is even more clearly established by the faith healers killing their own children in northern Idaho.  The fully indoctrinated representatives ->(Lee Heider ex.) of this state continue to do nothing to save children at the risk.  They fear the religious/financial backlash that will befall them if they do.  That may be why in this state you can now carry a concealed weapon (gun) without training or permit.  It is becoming the wild wild west.  This state is thick with ammosexuals.  Even mentioning 'gun sense' will get a strong reaction from the ammosexual  as though their children were being murdered... No just limiting your access to guns.  They don't care about kids dying from preventable diseases - Just think of the guns!

I refuse to be ignorant and follow the same path that my hometown peers are currently taking.  They are the reason and rationale why Idaho is my personal hell.  What makes it even worse is the fact that the state is governed by these right wing jut-jobs and they are fervent Trump supporters.  I fully admit that I am liberal in my social perspective, have no religious beliefs, will call a racist what they are to their faces at profound risk to my social life. 

If I was living in the Middle East I would have my head cleaved off.  Unfortunately many my home town are members of the Christian Taliban would likely be cheering them on in the beheading process.