Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Private Idaho

     Growing up in Idaho has been quite an unpleasant experience.  There is an old B52 song called “Private Idaho” meaning this place is a private hell.  Idaho can be a living hell for anyone who does not ascribe to the hardcore conservative Christian lunatic perspective.  To give a better interpretation of how extreme the close-minded Idahoans are; I was banned from a Facebook page for publicly displaying pictures of local trucks with confederate flags and labeling them as racist, bigots.  It appears that when you call out the bigotry and hate you are quickly silenced.  If they cannot silence you, they work the back avenues to intimidate your position at work, society, and with peers using threats you could lose your job, or friends will flee to avoid the intimidation.

 These are the same “Idahoans” who are strong Christian/Mormon/Baptist/Catholic….etc. who will hide behind the forgiveness factor of their religion and continue doing the same hateful things.  I want to make it clear not all ‘Idahoans’ are religious nut-bag, bigoted, hate-filled, cowards.  Unfortunately those people are the ones who feel that they are righteous in their championing the cause of hate whilst hiding behind their religious doctrine.  Something interesting noted growing up in Twin Falls, there are more bars than schools, more churches than bars and more hypocrites than humanists.
Creep Factor: 9000

I ended up working for the schools or working in the schools as a professional it becomes painfully obvious that the indoctrination begins at an early stage and is pushed onto the student for the duration of their educational experience.  The high school graduation rate of Idaho is 77.3%  we are ranked 41st of 50.  In a 2015 report only 17% of student from southern Idaho are ready for college.  Idaho has established a goal of 60% but has not even made any discernible effort to change the outcome for any of the students.  It becomes very evident early on that Idaho desires to keep its students ill-informed and under-educated.  Thus keeping two lines moving in two directions:  One is from pre-school to prison and from graduation to garbage collector.  Idaho is ranked 13th for prison population per person spending in state.  Idaho has spent more money building prisons than has been applied to secondary education.  Freakishly real: Pre-school to prison is alive and well here.

If the system can keep them dumb and following in their parent’s footsteps then they are likely to stay ignorant of humanity and close-minded to the rest of civilization.  It was a huge culture shock to me when I went away to obtain my bachelor’s degree.  I was mixing with a group of people that I had much more commonality with than my hometown peers.  I met my first atheist (other than myself) and became close friends with people who were not of the same race as me.  This was devastating to my peers in my hometown.  They clearly stated that I should not be mixing my time with “the sub humans”.  This raw bigotry was right in my face.  They used biblical statements to support their position that races should not mix and that I would have more support if I stood with my own ‘type’.  The white bigots are strong in Idaho.  They feel safe here:

I have also noted that when a group of Mormon ‘young adults’ prepare for their missions that they go to a preparation camp prior to their departure.  Many of the Catholics will have their graduates blessed in a ceremony before departing for college.  All designed to reinforce the social safety net that these individuals can hide behind if they find themselves away from home, beliefs, and morals are being challenged.  It does not take much to become elevated in stature in a church or social club, let alone have any education that may benefit the circumstances.  The lesser educated you are the more preferred you are in religious events.  Even the churches admit that reason is faiths greatest enemy:

This is even more clearly established by the faith healers killing their own children in northern Idaho.  The fully indoctrinated representatives ->(Lee Heider ex.) of this state continue to do nothing to save children at the risk.  They fear the religious/financial backlash that will befall them if they do.  That may be why in this state you can now carry a concealed weapon (gun) without training or permit.  It is becoming the wild wild west.  This state is thick with ammosexuals.  Even mentioning 'gun sense' will get a strong reaction from the ammosexual  as though their children were being murdered... No just limiting your access to guns.  They don't care about kids dying from preventable diseases - Just think of the guns!

I refuse to be ignorant and follow the same path that my hometown peers are currently taking.  They are the reason and rationale why Idaho is my personal hell.  What makes it even worse is the fact that the state is governed by these right wing jut-jobs and they are fervent Trump supporters.  I fully admit that I am liberal in my social perspective, have no religious beliefs, will call a racist what they are to their faces at profound risk to my social life. 

If I was living in the Middle East I would have my head cleaved off.  Unfortunately many my home town are members of the Christian Taliban would likely be cheering them on in the beheading process.

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