Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Responding to a Racist Letter on Facebook - Trump Fan

Looking down the Twitter lines that I subscribe to I rarely find anyone who an adamant Trumpster.  Now on Facebook they are all over the place.  You cannot swing a dead rational human without hitting on in the oversize frothing ego.  Let us take for example a letter I discovered on Facebook.  This was all one paragraph and had little to no punctuation.  That had to be added in to give this some direction and operational function.

Link to the letter ->  Open Racist Letter

One thing that that comes screaming to forefront when reading the diatribe is that there is a tremendous amount of disinformation and flat out conspiracy theory materials interlaced with strongly emotional ‘personal testimony’.  Some of this testimony tends to ‘come from a friend’ which lends to this being second hand or non-dependable testimony.   One item that must be made very clear is that this person barely has a high school level education and lives in Biss Idaho.

First component is to advertise the ACA (Obmacare) has treated this family unfairly.  It his is equitable across the board.  Not one person who is dealing with insurance can escape outrageous increases in deductibles.  Something needs to be clearly outlined is the ACA is NOT a liberal plan.  It was a plan originally rolled out the Heritage Foundation idea.  So this cannot be tossed back at Obama and the Democrats.  Please look in the mirror.  This was created by the GOP, Republicans and their minons.

Next this author addresses multiple times ‘Illegal Aliens’ as being there to take from her what is rightfully hers.  I am uncertain how this can even be possible if the person is illegal how can they get covered medical care?  I believe that she means undocumented migrants/refugees.  Illegal or undocumented mean they cannot gain access to the benefits of a system to which they cannot connect. It takes some pretty profound leaps of conspiracy theory events to grant them access.    All of the persons that she is referring to are migrant workers who have Mexican heritage and this is the only frame of reference.    The first response to this statement is; prove it.  Please produce some evidence to support your claim otherwise you are basically talking out your ass.

She starts to spiral out of control in her conspiracy modes as this letter progresses with every Right-Wing radio talking point and conspiracy theory about Black Lives Matter and that the victims are deserving of being “killed at the hands of an honest cop” then tossing Obama as being the person responsible with zero evidence that he can in any way be culpable.

It becomes very evident that she is a heavy drinker of the Kool-Aid and is Too Far Gone down the rabbit hole to realize that most of what she is describing is full on conspiracy theorist supporter and may be one of those people who believes that chemtrails are being used to limit population growth.

As soon as she starts talking about the second amendment and the defense of Trump at the expense of any and all the other rights that we currently have she has gone full Ammosexual and when adding in the Benghazi event and supporter she is completely lost to humanity and is a full-fledged racist xenophobe.   She openly admits that Obama is Muslim and a member of the Black Panthers.  She has valid complaints.  However she is working very hard to shove the responsibility onto someone who is NOT responsible.  She does an exemplary job slinging blame and hostile intentions at Obama.  I have read the letter 4 times and have yet to find any policy substance that Trump will provide to support her and her family.

All of this can be refuted quickly and easily if she does ONE thing.  Prove it.

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